Everything is actually really simple. If something is complicated, it’s only because you’re looking at too many simple things at once. (For more context – uber is literally just booking taxis, Instagram is literally just posting pictures. They’re simple ideas.)
Scott Bradley – Haslo Digital
“If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day” Admiral William H. McRaven The idea is that something simple such as making your bed every morning means you’re starting your day with a task already checked off the list. It motivates you and builds discipline. Admiral McRaven was an experienced Special Forces Operator and US Navy Seal. It isn’t really about making your bed, it’s about being disciplined and consistent, which in turn promotes a positive, growth mindset and sets you up for further successes throughout the day. As I am first up in the morning I don’t make the bed…so for me it is a freezing cold shower every morning at 04.00, without fail or compromise. I don’t want to do it when I get in the shower, but I push myself to do something uncomfortable and achieve something as the first act of my day. Aside from building a disciplined mindset and developing mental fortitude, there are a whole range of other benefits from cold exposure such as the release of epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine. Neurotransmitters and hormones that promote a sense of wellbeing, alertness and promote drive/determination/competition. It could be going for a run, tidying the house or anything else that you don’t feel like doing, but push yourself to do. Think of training mental fortitude and discipline as like training a muscle. Every time you overload it, it builds back stronger. This is backed by science.
Jack Barron – Invoke Media
Consistency is key
Grace Wignall – Cotton Court
Talk to others when you’re going through a challenging time. It’s good to know that others have gone through these periods too.
Natalie Klausen – Let’s Abode
Comparison is the thief of progress
Ben Moloney – Growth Company
Treat people how you want to be treated, a smile can go a long way.
Tamsin Cann – Cotton Court
Have a mentor/ business coach who you can have an honest conversation with
Natalie Klausen – Let’s Abode
Chose a job you love and never work again
Tracy Morris – Growth Company
There is no change without change
Charlotte Sedge-Martins – Growth Company
Work with the partners and utilise the help that is out there and available
Natalie Klausen
“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” John F Kennedy
Jane Peters – Nineteen Legal
“Success consists of going from failure to failure, without a loss of enthusiasm” Sir Winston Churchill Sums up the entrepreneurial mindset completely. The greatest entrepreneurs have had multiple failures before finding success. Most people give up before achieving it. Sir Winston Churchill led a country that was losing the war, and stood alone against Germany and the Axis. His oration and determined attitude are what led the UK through its darkest hour until the Americans entered the war. The idea is that you treat each time you fail not as a failure, but as a lesson learned so that you can develop your next idea / project. Take it with humility, understand what went wrong, build on it for next time. This is how our bodies work at the cellular level, adapting and overcoming, and how we operate (and have evolved) as humans and society. This is what the psychologist Carol Dweck calls the ‘growth mindset’.
Jack Barron – Invoke Media
Surround yourself with likeminded people (if you’re in a room surrounded by entrepreneurs you will be the next)
Natalie Klausen – Let’s Abode